Saturday, December 21, 2013


                   Today, I wanted to touch on a thought that may help in understanding our present state of affairs in our every day life.  It's been a new day now for quite some time and more change is imminent.         I say more change because for a while we've all felt or still feel turmoil, one way or another, stemming from our beliefs.  Beliefs that we've either had for some time or we've been told what to believe.  None the less I've spoken to many people to try and get some sort of understanding as to why a person feels the way that he/she does regardless of which side of the fence he/she wishes to stand on.

                   A friend of mine whom we have amicable relations with (even though we are on opposite sides of the fence) made me realize to evaluate again what the root of the problem is and how we should best deal with it. As difficult as the road ahead may be, we must prevail.  That is, the road ahead, until we find that home in which we can find a happy median.  WE once had THAT in this country.  But where did that happy place go? Where did it disappear to? I mean, it WAS here.  For a long while, it was here and just like that it seemed to have vanished.  Everything came under scrutiny.  Black was white and white was black.  We don't know which end is up because we are being bombarded by signals that disrupt our positivity.  And we mustn't allow what ever force is causing this to succeed.   Because if that force succeeds, it will be the end of our world as we know it.  That change would be devastating!

                  I am shocked at how many young people contact me and discuss what the future may bring.  I am constantly asked questions about what they have read and if it's true.  I am more shocked at how much they know about our current state of affairs.  When I was their age I can tell you that these worries were no where in sight.  My biggest concern then, was what I would be doing that particular weekend.  But, in today's climate, I can tell you, these kids are worried!  So, in light of the fact that our leaders are not leading, we must lead with true and positive information so they, our youth, one day, may lead to protect us.  I speak to these people and I feel our generation has let them down.  I feel their pain.  And we can sit and argue what caused it from all of the facts that I've stated in these posts.  Facts, that have occurred in history that I believe were a major factor at where we ended up but when all is said and done, we have let down our youth.  And we can sit here and say it's the Democrat's fault or the Republican's fault, but what matters is, where do we go from here?

                 The solution is as complicated as it is simple and although I've said this in the past it is very easy to fall into the hatred pattern of who did what to who and who is to blame for it.  It is my belief, one of the main reasons people are mad is because accountability has "left the building" so to speak.  It doesn't exist as much as our jail cells are all full, it just doesn't exist. There is great disparity in today's world.  As much as we say we fought to be equal in this country, the fact is, it is not so.  We are not equal!

                So, we realize that there are major obstacles we must break through.  Major challenges are here!  The people I have been talking to are looking to me for the answers and all I can say is our future is in the hands of those with the most control.  And right now the people with the most control are all of us.  But, we don't utilize that power.  The power that I'm talking about is unification.  There are many forces that are doing everything in their power to disrupt that process from taking place.  So, here it is.  The time is here! At the end of the day we must say to ourselves, "have we done everything we could possibly have done?" If you want to start somewhere and play the blame game, it is very simple.  WE, are to blame for not rising up against the controlled media companies who work every day at destroying our unification that would stop those controlling forces which are killing our country.  We have forgotten the saying, "there's power in numbers."
              So Republicans, Democrats, Independents, unify and make our youth proud to live in a country we were once so proud of.  The first hurdle is to attack the biased media companies regardless of which views they address that you believe.  I say get rid of all the News companies  because they are not working in the people's best interest. Bring in new reporting companies that report objective News and make it a major crime to report FALSE PROPAGANDA.  Next get rid of all the lobbying companies that bribe our Congressmen, that which are supposed to be working for us.  Make those campaign "contributions" and those that fund them a major crime.  And lastly get rid of all the leaders, whether it's a Superintendent of a High School or President of the Untied States that work for THEIR family's best interest before ours. Lock them up.  We voted them in for one reason and that is to help, we the people.

              That's a start.  It's a piece of it.  We then need to rebuild like the greatest generation did, like my ancestors did, in the forty's.  They made their youth proud.  I was proud and still am to this day of what they've accomplished with some great Republican and Democratic Presidents.  When Presidents were presidents of the people and not President's of the very powerful.   That, is what I will tell our youth when they ask me and need answers for their future.  Because, they indirectly made me realize that this is not about us.  It's about them!              

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