Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Flying Robots inspired by Bats

        I just recently read an article entitled, "Flying robots inspired by Bats" by J. Travis Smith which made me wonder what prior technology has been discovered for the good of mankind or humanity.  For decades the mystery which is Area 51 should be for the interest of all humans yet the secrecy is confined to select governmental agencies.  The question is stated simply, why?  Surely all of these scientists working for decades must have come across technologies that would better our livelihood across the globe yet unreleased for some reason or another. 
                We should not only just confine our interest in studies of flight technologies but in all other technologies as well.  There are many areas of interest that the human race should be concerned with, energy, Aliens, nutrition to name a few!  Why is this information limited to wealthy governments and released at their own discretion?  This certainly opens the window to yet again corruptness of those unmonitored and unaccountable.  Who are they to make decisions on our future when it should be a collective decision and this information known for review? 
                Why aren’t the good people of this earth concerned or better yet demanding of the release of any information that is researched on our dime?  Why all this secrecy through the use of secret organizations allowed to exist without proper evaluation? This is a question for the ages for as far back as we can remember. New technologies are the right of every human being on earth and when new technologies are discovered they should be unconditionally released to the public for further review by the public.  
                 For instance, how many free and semi free energies are out there but stifled by the oil conglomerates in power?  Do you know? Does anyone know? The answer is no to the first question and yes to the second.  From the works of Nikola Tesla, a scientist of energy who died penny less on Long Island years ago, we know that free energy is abundant.  Yet these technologies are hidden.  Only now that the economy is bad and people are struggling to pay the high cost of oil from the profit warlords are people utilizing free sources of energy like Solar and Geo Thermal.  Why?
              Don’t give me that answer that it’s not cost efficient and that it is cost prohibitive! When the first CD player came out it cost five hundred dollars and now you can probably get one for thirty bucks.  The fact is Ladies and Gentlemen, we’ve been duked by the profit kings and until we get a handle of who is guilty of obstructing the release of this technology at the cost of bettering humanity will we continue to struggle as a people.
             So in almost all circumstances where profit is an issue do we face the additional challenge of discovery, that which is the human element of deceit.  When will it end and people realize that “it is easier to fool people than to tell them they’ve been fooled” – Mark Twain.  You tell me!  Why do we as a people put our heads down and work the blue collar job working an honest man’s salary while those luckier work far less and make three hundred and sixty times the monetary amount of an honest man’s blood, sweat and tears?  
 Once we solve this very important issue will our existence be far better.  It is imperative we solve this problem.  Our humanity is at stake!  Then and only then can we reap the rewards of new technologies derived from researching "Flying Robots inspired by Bats!"
Sources / Supporting Links / Works Cited (If none, please type "none"): Nikola Tesla,

Current Times: Flying Robots inspired by Bats

Current Times: Flying Robots inspired by Bats: I just recently read an article entitled, "Flying robots inspired by Bats" by J. Travis Smith which made me wonder what p...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Current Times: John Fitzgerald Kennedy - 50 years later

Current Times: John Fitzgerald Kennedy - 50 years later:             Time: 11:40am Place: Love Field, Dallas             There are many times I see that clip of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Jackie...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy - 50 years later

            Time: 11:40am Place: Love Field, Dallas

            There are many times I see that clip of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Jackie shaking hands with the Dallas fans at Love field and always, a part of me, wants to scream out, stop Mr. President, don't go!! 
             I was only 4 years old when I saw that American flag draped over a coffin on television over and over and over again.  The memory is embedded in my mind so vividly that when I went to visit Dealey Plaza in Dallas I was 4 years old again.  I, to this day get the chills when I think about what has happened to one of the greatest Presidents that was trying to do the right thing for ALL of the people! And, not just for America but for the World.  Great men like this don't come around very often.  He knew what he was up against and he gave it his best shot.  He saw the obstacles, not just with our supposed enemies over seas but more importantly, our enemies here at home.
              For over 20 years I have been investigating and searching for the answers as to what transpired that day that changed our world.  We are still, today, feeling the affects of what happened.  Many would like to just forget about it and move forward.  Others know the importance of bringing out as much truth as possible so there is an understanding.  I will bring this point up again at the end of this passage so that you have a clearer understanding as to why we must never forget.

                JFK is a very complicated matter because it touches on so many people's lives and there are so many tangents that, to stay focused on one item is extremely difficult in most cases.  I've literally talked to hundreds of people, some who know the remaining Kennedy's personally.  I've watched the Zapruda film at least a thousand times! Probably more than that examining each frame, each millisecond over and over again.  I'm also a video editor so I used my expertise to see anything that was unusual or out of the ordinary.  What was obvious immediately to me is the fact that the camera used, the Bell & Howell Camera Model 414PD, was primitive compared to what is available today.

             So, why the obsession you ask?  The answer is not as complicated as the investigation.  The answer is very simply stated.  What happened that day changed our world and our world was turned over to the people who did this.  The people who are very much in charge today.  The evidence is all around us as trillions of dollars escalate each moment in our National debt. 

             As Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy landed in Dallas that day and was greeted by all those happy faces there was a faction that was in motion way before they entered Texas.  On thousands of flyers on thousands of cars and business were Mr. Kennedy's mug shot with the words "Wanted for Treason."  This faction were the right wing extremists headed by a man called H.L. Hunt.  Mr. Hunt an Oil Billionaire owned two radio programs that filled the airwaves with hatred for Mr. Kennedy.  Why, you ask?  The answer was easy.  He was hitting the Oil millionaires with  fair taxation, similar to what is happening today.  

             The five main reasons I believe Mr. Kennedy was doomed was because of all the enemies he made trying to better the human race.  The first was the Executive order #11110 signed to take back the Federal Reserve from the Rothschild's who still to this day own it. Taking back our Federal Reserve would allow the United States to make our own money without paying interest.  We can see the tremendous interest we owe today because of the Federal Reserve.  The Second was the signing of a peace treaty with President Khrushchev.  Right wing extremists argued that President Kennedy was too soft, titling him a Communist, much the same as in the era of McCarthiysm ruining the lives of many professionals in the 50's. Much the same as they are calling President Obama a Communist, a Fascist, a Socialist, you name it. The Third  was the Secret Societies speech made one month prior to his assassination.  Mr Kennedy was well aware of the Bilderberg group, a group that started meeting back in 1954 in the town of Oosterbeek, The Netherlands.  They meet secretly and since they own the media they have a hold on anyone reporting their proceedings or information about their discussions.  He was also speaking about the CIA which at the time double crossed him due to the Bay of Pigs invasion fiasco where he fired Allen Dulles in the aftermath and vowed to "Splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces to the wind."  After Kennedy's murder, Lyndon Johnson appointed Allen Dulles to "investigate" the murder in a little known fairy tale organization called "The Warren Commission."  Coincidence?  No, coincidence. The fourth reason was the de-escalation of the profit money war in Vietnam.  Mr. Kennedy had every intention of not going to war with that tiny country that LBJ pulverized and still lost.  The Fifth reason was a reason I stated in the previous paragraph.  He was about to start taxing the millionaire and billionaires with a fair tax as the middle class was paying.  

                  It is my firm belief that we cannot move forward in this country until we at least know who the true criminals were that did this. Because, I feel, these criminals are still around us today.  The question that immediately comes to mind is, but they are dead.   No, not all, but almost all.  And of coarse their children are alive to reek more havoc on the human race as we've seen in these new profit wars.  

                  Right wing extremists have ruined this country with the propaganda of fear.  Fear is how they operate to get what they want. And their vessel that carries out that fear to get what they want is controlled media, which they own.  Nine times out of ten you'll hear them bash Mr. Kennedy in a sex scandal much as they did with President Clinton while the economy was strong.  You'll hear them talk about Kennedy's extra marital relationship but you'll never hear them talk about George H.W. Bush's extra marital affair.  Nor will you hear them talk about LBJ's three mistresses all with whom he had illegitimate children with.  What's that you say?  LBJ was a Democrat and followed all of Kennedy's policies?? Well, remember H.L. Hunt right wing extremist and oil billionaire?  He was LBJ's biggest campaign contributor.  How unusual right? What a tangled web we weave!  When you hear a Republican state that LBJ followed the same protocol of policies, remind them that JFK would have never gone to war with Vietnam,  ignore exec. order 11110 for the federal reserve,  ignore Russia's signed Peace treaty, ignore the secret societies that are around us and still exist today and lastly ignore taxing the the oil millionaires.  

                 It is my belief that when we bring out the truth to this incredible investigation that it will severely affect the Republican Party, crippling it to the point that the Independent party could possibly take it's place. I've heard many of my colleagues say that we need a new party.  We can only hope.  Then and only then can we take back our country from the right wing extremists that have had a hold for the last 50 years. Hope and Optimism was taken away from all Americans that day.  The next time you hear a Republican bash Mr. Kennedy ask them to follow the words of a their last great Republican President Eisenhower who stated: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

                 The right faction that existed in 1963 are around us today spewing hatred and instilling fear as it did back then into the minds of many Americans.  Are we not tired yet of all the hatred which exists towards our fellow man by this group?  It's time to put an end to all of this bigotry!  

                  Mr. Kennedy never got to his destination that day where he would make one of his famous speeches, his last speech.  Here are the last words of that speech:
We, in this country, in this generation, are — by destiny rather than by choice — the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility, that we may exercise our strength with wisdom and restraint, and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of “peace on earth, good will toward men.” That must always be our goal, and the righteousness of our cause must always underlie our strength. For as was written long ago: “except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain.”

                  Remember this the next time the radical right tries to destroy the memory of a great man that wanted nothing more than to do the right thing for Humanity.  Remember this the next time someone utters a bad word in the name of Kennedy, a man that can no longer speak for himself. After his assassination, an atmosphere of fear existed in Texas that no man shall go against the "official story."  It is why the doctors in that emergency room came forward some 40-50 years later fearing for their lives from this brutal mob like organization. What was taken away from us was not just a great President.  They took away our hope and optimism for our future and our children's future. We must always be the voice for a man who was stifled from using his.  We must always be the voice of our beloved John Fitzgerald Kennedy!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Current Times: Our Banking system, criminal or not?

Current Times: Our Banking system, criminal or not?:                        When I was younger my Mom took me to the bank and opened a passbook account.  Many of you probably don't know wha...

Current Times: Book "Bilderberg Ultimate Control" Sneak Peek

Current Times: Book "Bilderberg Ultimate Control" Sneak Peek: Everyone has a story to tell. That’s what I have been told. If I were to describe just who I am, the answer would be simple. I am you. I am ...

Current Times: Positivity.....

Current Times: Positivity.....:                    Today, I wanted to touch on a thought that may help in understanding our present state of affairs in our every day life. ...