Monday, December 23, 2013

Current Times: Our Banking system, criminal or not?

Current Times: Our Banking system, criminal or not?:                        When I was younger my Mom took me to the bank and opened a passbook account.  Many of you probably don't know wha...

Current Times: Book "Bilderberg Ultimate Control" Sneak Peek

Current Times: Book "Bilderberg Ultimate Control" Sneak Peek: Everyone has a story to tell. That’s what I have been told. If I were to describe just who I am, the answer would be simple. I am you. I am ...

Current Times: Positivity.....

Current Times: Positivity.....:                    Today, I wanted to touch on a thought that may help in understanding our present state of affairs in our every day life. ...

Saturday, December 21, 2013


                   Today, I wanted to touch on a thought that may help in understanding our present state of affairs in our every day life.  It's been a new day now for quite some time and more change is imminent.         I say more change because for a while we've all felt or still feel turmoil, one way or another, stemming from our beliefs.  Beliefs that we've either had for some time or we've been told what to believe.  None the less I've spoken to many people to try and get some sort of understanding as to why a person feels the way that he/she does regardless of which side of the fence he/she wishes to stand on.

                   A friend of mine whom we have amicable relations with (even though we are on opposite sides of the fence) made me realize to evaluate again what the root of the problem is and how we should best deal with it. As difficult as the road ahead may be, we must prevail.  That is, the road ahead, until we find that home in which we can find a happy median.  WE once had THAT in this country.  But where did that happy place go? Where did it disappear to? I mean, it WAS here.  For a long while, it was here and just like that it seemed to have vanished.  Everything came under scrutiny.  Black was white and white was black.  We don't know which end is up because we are being bombarded by signals that disrupt our positivity.  And we mustn't allow what ever force is causing this to succeed.   Because if that force succeeds, it will be the end of our world as we know it.  That change would be devastating!

                  I am shocked at how many young people contact me and discuss what the future may bring.  I am constantly asked questions about what they have read and if it's true.  I am more shocked at how much they know about our current state of affairs.  When I was their age I can tell you that these worries were no where in sight.  My biggest concern then, was what I would be doing that particular weekend.  But, in today's climate, I can tell you, these kids are worried!  So, in light of the fact that our leaders are not leading, we must lead with true and positive information so they, our youth, one day, may lead to protect us.  I speak to these people and I feel our generation has let them down.  I feel their pain.  And we can sit and argue what caused it from all of the facts that I've stated in these posts.  Facts, that have occurred in history that I believe were a major factor at where we ended up but when all is said and done, we have let down our youth.  And we can sit here and say it's the Democrat's fault or the Republican's fault, but what matters is, where do we go from here?

                 The solution is as complicated as it is simple and although I've said this in the past it is very easy to fall into the hatred pattern of who did what to who and who is to blame for it.  It is my belief, one of the main reasons people are mad is because accountability has "left the building" so to speak.  It doesn't exist as much as our jail cells are all full, it just doesn't exist. There is great disparity in today's world.  As much as we say we fought to be equal in this country, the fact is, it is not so.  We are not equal!

                So, we realize that there are major obstacles we must break through.  Major challenges are here!  The people I have been talking to are looking to me for the answers and all I can say is our future is in the hands of those with the most control.  And right now the people with the most control are all of us.  But, we don't utilize that power.  The power that I'm talking about is unification.  There are many forces that are doing everything in their power to disrupt that process from taking place.  So, here it is.  The time is here! At the end of the day we must say to ourselves, "have we done everything we could possibly have done?" If you want to start somewhere and play the blame game, it is very simple.  WE, are to blame for not rising up against the controlled media companies who work every day at destroying our unification that would stop those controlling forces which are killing our country.  We have forgotten the saying, "there's power in numbers."
              So Republicans, Democrats, Independents, unify and make our youth proud to live in a country we were once so proud of.  The first hurdle is to attack the biased media companies regardless of which views they address that you believe.  I say get rid of all the News companies  because they are not working in the people's best interest. Bring in new reporting companies that report objective News and make it a major crime to report FALSE PROPAGANDA.  Next get rid of all the lobbying companies that bribe our Congressmen, that which are supposed to be working for us.  Make those campaign "contributions" and those that fund them a major crime.  And lastly get rid of all the leaders, whether it's a Superintendent of a High School or President of the Untied States that work for THEIR family's best interest before ours. Lock them up.  We voted them in for one reason and that is to help, we the people.

              That's a start.  It's a piece of it.  We then need to rebuild like the greatest generation did, like my ancestors did, in the forty's.  They made their youth proud.  I was proud and still am to this day of what they've accomplished with some great Republican and Democratic Presidents.  When Presidents were presidents of the people and not President's of the very powerful.   That, is what I will tell our youth when they ask me and need answers for their future.  Because, they indirectly made me realize that this is not about us.  It's about them!              

Friday, December 20, 2013

Book "Bilderberg Ultimate Control" Sneak Peek

Everyone has a story to tell. That’s what I have been told. If I were to describe just who I am, the answer would be simple. I am you. I am the same as any one of you, and any of you could have written this story. I could tell you where I was born, where I grew up, where I went to school; but in all actuality, it doesn’t really matter because it could have been any city U.S.A.
My love for this country and love of life inspired me to put pen to paper merely because I was dumbfounded at where we have ended up. If I were to break it down in the purest form of what the reason was, I would have to say it was because of the shunning of factual information dismissed by the majority of the American public. 
As I wrote in the first two chapters of this book in detailed memories, it gives most of you—that have lived in my era—a sense of how things have drastically changed. How they have gotten complicated from a time when things were ever-so-simple. And how this was stolen from us by a very powerful group that still exists today. Yet, everyone just stands by and continues to endure the injustices to our human race across the globe.
The family in this book portrays hope for the future. Their courageous struggle finds you rooting for the good guys like sitting in some theatre, biting your fingernails to the very end. The irony is that the timeline follows exactly with what is going on in today’s world. Our heroes have all been killed and the evil doers who have a plan for us must be stopped without question.   
The book lends the questions, “Did Jim Garrison—the only man who brought a trial in the Kennedy assassination against big government—do enough to stop those forces and bring justice to our world? Have we all done enough?”

I close my eyes and dream of those easy-going days of old, when dinners were the most important time of day, when families came first in our lives. The days when I watched Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy greet those fans at Love Field with huge smiles on their faces shortly before tragedy struck.  The day our world—as we knew it—changed forever
Where are our heroes today?   What happened to our hope? 
The family in this book is the hope—the optimism—that we all possess in each and every one of us. We must never let them take away our aspirations. And that is the key for our world’s survival which will conquer any criminal force.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Our Banking system, criminal or not?

                       When I was younger my Mom took me to the bank and opened a passbook account.  Many of you probably don't know what this is. It's an actual book that records your deposits, withdrawals and interest.  It was fun going to the bank and depositing my measly few dollars every week that I worked for or that I got for an allowance.  It showed a child how they can save money and gave him/her a feeling of responsibility.  It's part of why my work ethic is so strong.  This is something I fear is missing from today's youth.  Today, even though they have no real expenses, saving is not instilled in children's weekly plan.  In today's world, parents are trying to survive, especially if they are poor or middle class.

                   Now, this brings us to the factors that affect today's moral and ethical working standards that the banks helped destroy.  Banking fees and other charges!  Why is this criminal practice allowed?  Did you ever wonder why overdraft fees are the same with EVERY bank?  The going rate that is charged by every bank is 35-36 dollars now even if you spend ten dollars a transaction or less on commercial accounts.  On personal accounts it's over ten dollars a transaction.  It's like a cartel of criminal activity that goes unmonitored. If you have a corporate account you can get one of these fees if you use your debit/credit card at a convenience store for only a few dollars.  Kids are the biggest offenders of this practice and get whacked on a daily basis sometimes receiving three charges a day!  Now, you must wonder certainly there is a cost to the banks and is why they charge such an exorbitant amount?  The answer, there is no cost associated with this charge that banks incur.  This is pure profit.  It is recorded that the banking industry produces a profit of 40 billion a year due to this criminal practice and our officials turn a blind eye.  This is in addition to interest rates and other banking fees.  Not a bad business! 

                    It's the same old story folks.  The bribes that go on in congress and with our politicians is disgusting to say the least.  They are supposed to be working FOR THE PEOPLE AND NOT FOR THE CORPORATIONS!!!! Today's life is led by leaders unlike Franklin D. Roosevelt who protected the people instead of the corporations!  It's evident that we need more "Heroes of the people" in this day and age.  When will this corruption purely from corporate greed be curtailed and the guilty indicted?  The longer I live on this earth the human race lets me down time and time again.  Who out there is a decent human being that can resist immense greed in order to help the human race?  I am so tired of these corruptions that only aides a select few while the majority is cast aside once again! It has gotten to levels unimaginable!  Our current system seems to benefit a few thousand as 7 billion people just make do.  How much wealth does one man need?  I just shake my head... Let me know your thoughts

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Current Times: Trickle down? or Trickle up?

Current Times: Trickle down? or Trickle up?:                    It has been brought to my attention that there is a misconception as to what this term "Trickle Down" means to ...

Trickle down? or Trickle up?

                   It has been brought to my attention that there is a misconception as to what this term "Trickle Down" means to many.  To those at the top it means it's a healthy way to keep Corporations from going broke while having the poor and middle classes benefit from the good prosperity of the very wealthy.  The process includes not taxing them to an equal rate as what the middle class pays.   Hmmm, quite the conundrum I suspect.  Do we take this theory and try it or try something else?

                  But.....we have tried this "theory" many many times and it has failed many many times yet we are barraged with political jargon when our elected officials are in and they call this practice.... TAX CUTS.  Well, I find this humorous in that when you hear an elected official say TAX CUTS, that IS as loud as we all hear the term and they know it.  Swell, we're ALL going to save money by getting OUR taxes reduced which means more  money for US all.  WRONG!  Let us take a look.

                 I was recently discussing this with a friend of mine and found that there was actually a misconception noted.  His argument?  I WORKED FOR MY MONEY, and I have the right to keep it.  Why should we help the poor?  Well this is an interesting point so let's look at it shall we?  Let's talk about welfare. It's what everyone is talking about so let's talk about it but immediately when you hear the word, welfare, you think of poor people STEALING from those who work very hard for their money or work honestly for their money.  I mean isn't this what we all are made to think? 

                I've thought about this many times and the fact is, there are thieves at the lower levels and thieves at the higher levels as well.  Yet no one seems to correlate Welfare with the very wealthy because hey, they work hard, they are established and we are led to believe that they couldn't possibly be dishonest or take welfare money.  I mean they have all the money in the world.  They DON'T NEED IT. Or do they? Plus the poor aren't hard workers! Yea right.  they probably work harder in some cases. 

              Corporate welfare is the biggest culprit of our American society,  It is why we are in the state of affairs that we are in today.  The great massive billion dollar oil subsidies have a major affect on our economy but we don't think about them as being criminal, do we?  We'd rather take food stamps away from needy children and honest Veterans that have fought for our country.  This disgusts me and these people, the very wealthy with their hands out (Handouts) should be ashamed of themselves for this false form of propaganda that they lobby for with their subsidized monies.  I call them bribes so these politicians who do their dirty work will get elected again.  What a sham!  Let me know your thoughts:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Current Times: Do they know it's Christmas?

Current Times: Do they know it's Christmas?:                  I can't help but get sentimental during this time of year.  It happens every year.  If you've had the kind of upbri...

Do they know it's Christmas?

                 I can't help but get sentimental during this time of year.  It happens every year.  If you've had the kind of upbringing I've had then you would understand the warm feeling you get around this time.  Winters were always cold but there was always the safety of indoors and the warmth of close family inside by the tree.  We had a ritual, in our family to play late night games with close friends every night of the week starting Thanksgiving night and ending around the Epiphany in January.  These games would last into the early hours each night even on Sundays and Mondays.  To a kid it seemed like we had a lot but we really didn't.  We were middle class and my family worked hard after the devastating second world war.  They built a new home here in America and were proud of their heritage.   No one gave them anything.  And they were too proud to accept anything from anyone.

                Today life has changed so much.  And almost on a daily basis we hear the words "wealth inequality."  To many these words mean something totally different.  To the very wealthy they mean that the poor are trying to take what they rightly own and worked hard for.  To the poor it means that there is just not enough wealth left for them and their struggle is way too difficult to break out of.  To the middle class it means almost the same thing.  No matter how many jobs they have, catching up to the bills is a "pie in the sky" effort that never seems to come to fruition.  Today a savings account is laughable to them.

                 In the 1980's CEO's made 24 times more than the average worker.  Did they deserve it? Possibly, since you had to work very hard to get to that position so I don't see a problem with that.  In 2013, this year, CEO's make 354 times more than the average worker?  Do they deserve it?  Did they work for it?  The question can't possibly be answered the same as the response to what the CEO made in 1980.  Why? Because the amount of money that is made is an obscene amount that tips the scales of fairness.   We are headed (if not there already) to the days of Kings and Queens with the bulk of population being peasants or commoners. 

               In this country the middle class is quickly disappearing and the people at the very top have 43% more wealth than the bottom 99%.  Think about that for a moment.  Think long and hard about this because we have been barraged with these numbers for the last five years at least and the importance of those figures fades into monotony.  But we can't be bored with these figures because the next step if or when it gets worse will be more devastating than it is today.  With these facts, the bottom 99% get to share in the remainder of wealth which is a whopping 57%.  Think about that, the top 1% echelon owns 43% of world's wealth and bottom 99% owns 57%.  In 1970 it was less than half of that top figure.  The top Echelon only owned 20% of the world's wealth.   

             We can feel the effects today. I don't think there is anyone of the 99% of this country that can't say they don't feel the effects of these statistics.  We know that poverty exists in our own country.  And we are the richest country in the world! Now in a world of 7 billion people, we are only 333 million in this country.  Seems miniscule in comparison to the rest of the world.  So if we can feel the inequality of wealth here my question is how blind are we to the rest of the world's struggles? Who cares, right?

             In my older years I think back to all those wonderful Christmas's of my upbringing where we didn't have much but we were as happy as could be.  With this inequality of wealth how can we in our right conscious not care about the world as a whole? We have the means to feed the world twice over yet we don't.  Why, because we have to make sure that that one person has more wealth than a European country, that's why!   And lets face it that person didn't work ANY harder than an honest worker of the middle class.  It's all about luck, inheritance and luck.  Well yes maybe there's a bit more to it than that, investing and making the right moves financially but are they working any harder than anyone else vying for the American dream?  NO! 

             I can't help, in my right consciousness, think about all the struggling people of this world all over the globe.  I could have been one of them.  Yet I sit here drinking egg nog while they struggle looking for water to survive.  Do they know it's Christmas?  The world is just not fair and I am  thankful of what I have his Holiday season.  Let's hope it doesn't end here and that all these voices calling out for fairness win out over the true tyrants of this land and of this world.  Not the tyrants that are concocted on the controlled media stations. One man can have a capitalistic existence in moderation.  A wasteful existence hurts the common good of man.  This holiday season we all need to think about that because that is what the holiday season is about.  It's not about Black Friday.  We all owe it to the greatest generation, that have made what we have possible.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Current Times: They're laughing at us

Current Times: They're laughing at us: They're laughing at us for being so blind and so mislead by our controlled Media.  In other countries, now a days, the way they see our ...

Current Times: The same old political debates....

Current Times: The same old political debates....:             What to write about today?  Well, are any of you fed up with the same old tire debates on the media channels where politicians t...

The same old political debates....

            What to write about today?  Well, are any of you fed up with the same old tired debates on the media channels where politicians talk about peace and changing this and that but deep down they really aren't interested in peace?  Look at all the Wars we've been in!  If we as a people wanted peace we'd have peace as much as the politicians using media outlets are saying otherwise.  We have a habit of going into countries with the notion that we're there to help.  That's what we're told. 

              But, the reality of it all is we exploit these countries for what riches they may have to offer our country!  War is the most profitable business there is and yet many people don't see or care to see the improprieties that occur every year with the leaders of this country.   Some are the same leaders that have had their hands in since the escalation of the Vietnam war.  Ever wonder what their portfolio looks like?  It saddens me to think we can be a much better race if only these criminals were put in jail!  And you know who I'm talking about.  The biggest offenders are the oil profiteers who instilled in our world the need for oil, when we have 5 kinds of free energy available to power our world for the next 4 thousand years! Think about that for a second.  Yes, I can hear the engineers now question "Free"? If only we can talk to people like Nikola Tesla and Lester Hendershot inventors.  What they would have to say about all these hidden technologies?  Ever wonder why we have the same automobile engine for the last 100 years?  Do you honestly think there isn't an alternative to using gas fuel that keeps the oil tyrants wealthy?

              Think about this even if free energy isn't 100% free, even if it were 70% free, think of the benefit to the human race that these oil criminals are blocking.  And they are blocking technology.  There is proof at every turn if you were to open a book and investigate. There have been inventions that have been shelved so that these technologies wouldn't hit mainstream.  But now we can start to see solar panels almost on every rooftop.  Why?  Why were the solar panels taken down off of the White House roof that were put there by Carter in the 70's but taken down by the almighty Ronald Reagan in the 80's???  Why??? It's the power of the oil tycoons ladies and gentlemen that have taken down our country! The same ones that have crushed our middle class! Chime in on this if you would.  I'd like to hear your input.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

They're laughing at us

They're laughing at us for being so blind and so mislead by our controlled Media.  In other countries, now a days, the way they see our country is not without humor as to how manipulated a people we are. In other countries if you ask the citizens who killed JFK, the answer is almost always an immediate "It was  a Coup d'etat."  What they don't have in other countries like England and Australia, is the right wing extremists.  But here over 50 years later, from the murder, the mainstream controlled media keeps pounding the airwaves with the Patsy Lee Harvey Oswald did it alone, Preposterous! Well I can't blame Europe and other continents because it is laughable! By spoon feeding false information to Americans, it's not hard to understand why a great percentage of the American population is stupid for allowing it to happen to them.  So, it's also not hard to understand that before Obamacare took grasp, even though our healthcare system ranked 37th in the world behind more primitive countries like Costa Rica, big insurance took to the airwaves.  How sad! What a sham!  And the "wanna believe" believers run with the lies of all the imperfections and cost of the Obamacare program, is nothing short than a program released by a "Nazi regime."  This is a major problem in America and it's not a new problem.  Right wing extremists are domestic terrorists and they run the Gamut here.  And we let them because we can't stop the News agencies from purporting  the bribed false information. 

        So, my proposal. Wouldn't it be noble for one honest News agency to blow the lid off of all this misleading propaganda to report the practice of the majority of other News agencies misrepresentation and non objective reporting of the news?  I would love that!  But more importantly, our country needs this desperately to survive it's onslaught of these controlling home grown terrorists!   It's gotten so bad that the American public are like parrots repeating the words fed to them by these groups: Kool aid, Shoving it down our throats etc.  It disgusts me and irks me when I hear Americans not thinking for themselves through research of their own.  Let me know your thoughts:

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Current Times: So I set a Trap....

Current Times: So I set a Trap....: I was so tired of people bashing the President when we all know that what transpired from 2000-2008 is far worse than what is currently taki...

So I set a Trap....

                 I was so tired of people bashing the President when we all know that what transpired from 2000-2008 is far worse than what is currently taking place.  I mean I remember thinking in 2008 who could possibly fix the damage that was left?  As I say this I can hear the conservatives say, here we go again with Bush.  Well, yes, here we go again with Bush.  They don't seem to understand that what happened in those years was extremely devastating that no one man could fix it.  That's what went through my mind when the next President was elected for change, desperate change that we needed.  How could we get out of this mess?  Well it's five years later and we're still neck deep in it where as at any moment could be Armageddon.    But, let's not go there.  This post is about the trap I set.

                  I was tired of hearing terms, Socialist, Communist, Fascist, Muslim, Non - American, Hitler. I was sick of the false propaganda painting the President as a monster yet Bush was an angel or not as bad.  Now for someone who has spent the last 20 years researching and reading about the Bush clan I was outraged.  But not as outraged as the bashing of our constitution that has been taking place in the past ten years and during both parties Presidential picks.  The Military Defense Act, The Patriot Act (Non-Patriot I call it), Water boarding and now the destruction of the 2nd amendment.  How dare they?  Not to mention the fact that the Military defense act was signed on New Years Eve while every one's attention was diverted in celebration!  I knew that the Presidents were being controlled and the Bush's a bit closer to the fold than most Presidents.  I mean they go as far back as Grand pappy Prescott Bush CEO of the Union Bank.  The bank which funded the Nazis and was ordered closed by the head of the FBI at the time.  Both people I despise.  But again, let's not go there.  Staying on course here I was tired of all those terms being pointed at our President, someone who had to fix what the last criminal President destroyed.  On top of having to do this overwhelming job of fixing everything, here are the obstructionist right wing extremists at it once again putting a wedge between true Freedom, peace and the majority of the American population.  The Obstructionists guided by insurance and bank money, Wall street money.  So I had it when I heard once again the bashing of our President in a Facebook post.   In the post I proceeded to bash the hater, calling them a racist, a Republican, an obstructionist but worse off a personal attack.  I called them "stupid and uneducated".  This struck a nerve.  It was now personal.  No more was it names being directed to a figure head.  This was a judgment made directly and she went off the deep end, demanding an apology and threatening to delete the tread.  But, it wasn't personal.  Not really.   I just redirected the hatred to this person and she got semi irate at the thought of what she read.  It was sort of a, "How does it feel" tactic to get the point across.

                You see those who sling nasty judgments on people they know nothing about except through what is heard on the controlled media have no justification to call a President, who is there to help the majority of the people, all those bad things.  Could he be those things?  Possibly.  Are you exercising your American right to freedom of speech? Yes.  But do you understand what is happening? No.  Not really, unless you have studied the last 50-60 years of what has happened in this country and to the world as a result.  We will know what pros and cons there were during this current President's presidency  after he is through, just like the last Presidents of the past half century.  And I doubt very much that it could be nearly as bad as what transpired in those criminal years of 2000-2008.  We know what the pros and cons were with him because we are going through the aftermath and can study the timeline of what happened.  President Bush Jr. is going down as one of the very worst Presidents of all time many polls have reported. He and his VP are facing criminal charges at some point for the murdering of innocent people for oil & war profits.  In Malaysia there has already been claims to do so on the international level.  They are both hesitant leaving the U.S. for fear of repercussions. I would love to hear your thoughts....

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Are times ever going to change for the better?

We can only hope.  We can hope that if in the past 50 years things turned out differently, our lives today would have been so much better.  What would have happened if Kennedy survived the attempt on his life?  Even though many were told by the extremists to fear his moves , would things have turned out differently and for the better?  It certainly makes sense that it would have been a whole lot better than we are today.  And what would it be like today if Gore wasn't cheated out of his Presidency by the powers that be?  I mean, it is obvious to those that looked at the situation objectively, the owners of this country twisted the hands of fait in their favor.  And we are suffering the aftermath of those happenings.  Are there any heroes left?? I don't believe so.  I mean, who speaks for the betterment of the human race?  No one.  They are all dead, either killed by the devils of our society or they slowly faded away into the night, quietly.  The only man that comes to mind that's left is the Dalai Lama... JFK, MLK, John Lennon, Robert Kennedy all killed.  Why is it that whenever we have anyone that is brave enough to speak up honestly about our livelihood, is killed?  The hope that once was has been taken away from us at every turn.  The greedy, the selfish all made sure of it!  I am lucky enough to remember a time when dinner and Sunday's were the most important time of the week.  Family was the most important time for most.  There was an innocence that was taken away from us each time these killings occurred.  And, we did nothing but argued amongst ourselves instead of banning together to fight those forces that hurts our species for personal wealth.  It's the same old story through the thousands of years. Nothing has changed.  WE are destined to suffer this fait because we don't stand up and fight those few powerful forces that hurt us severely.  Today, even with this new Black man in power, are there words of hatred. Yes and Why?  Is he really that bad? As bad as his predecessor who killed millions for wealth?  As much as those who hate admit that it's not about color.  Is it about color?  People are not to be trusted.  Their words as the Indians say, "Speak with a forked tongue"  Knowing what we know about history, why is it so hard not to make the same mistakes again?  Are we not intelligent a race to break through all the irons that bind us?  As much as I say we must unite, that is a pipe dream my friends.  I know that now, living quite a few decades among you.  There are just too many willing to hurt our race for many reasons.  Mostly because the commoners they have been brainwashed by the owners of this country.  What can we do?  What can we do to CHANGE that?  IS it as hopeless as I think it is?  When "they" use words like freedom and peace... That is just what they take away from us.  Please let me know your thoughts...

Times are getting harder for most

Ever wonder why you keep working harder and harder but feel like you're not getting anywhere?  The answer is simple!  You're working time for money instead of working smarter.  So how do we do that?  Well first we have to understand that the banking system is set up to take our money.  They are corrupt and only care about one thing.  Making themselves richer by taking money away from us.  Banking fees, check charges, interest rates etc.  All designed to take money away from us and have us paying for many years to come.  CHANGE THAT TREND.  The sooner you take your own money and make it work for you the sooner you will have an easier life.  This is hard to do when you are working 9-5 and get home and want to do nothing but rest until you have to get up and go to work again.  This sounds like I'm selling you something?  NO!  This is how it is and this is how these thieves prosper.  Get off the energy grid.  Stop paying interest.  We can do this one step at a time.  You need to find something you can sell on the internet.  You need to take your money and save it. You've heard the term let your money work for you.   This is what we did growing up in the 70's.  The Bilderberg's you probably haven't heard of are stealing from us every day.  Until we get our corrupt bribed politicians to work for us your lives will never change!  I wrote this book to explain what we are going through in this country and why Democrats and Republicans fight back and forth while the owners of this country profit profusely using media manipulation (that they own). It took five years of my life researching what they are doing! This is what I found: